The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance Virtual Event 2021 will be held 12-14 October 2021, in the same week that was originally planned for GAPC 2021. While GAPC has been postponed to 2023, the GAPA Virtual Event will offer interactive sessions in different time zones. Each day there will be a session with key-note speakers which will be followed by a regional session with comments from a panel of regional representatives and discussion among participants.
Says Sally Casswell, Chair of GAPA: "We look forward to co-hosting a successful Global Alcohol Policy Conference in Cape Town in 2023. Meanwhile we anticipate an interesting programme in the GAPA Virtual Event in October this year and the opportunity for regional networking to take place."
The GAPA Virtual Event will offer interactive sessions in different time zones. Each day there will be a session with key-note speakers which will be followed by a regional session with comments from a panel of regional representatives and discussion among participants.
The regional sessions for the Americas will have simultaneous interpretation to/from Spanish and Portuguese.
Tuesday 12 October | Session 1 – Three hours (three iterations): Protection of alcohol policy from industry interests |
Wednesday 13 October | Session 2 – Three hours (three iterations): The three best buys: Alcohol No Ordinary Commodity: update on effective interventions – preview of 3rd revised edition |
Thursday 14 October | Session 3 – three hours (three iterations): The way forward
For each of the three days, see the programme outline and daily time schedules for each region below:
Read more about our exciting Keynote Speakers who will be hosting us over the 3 days.
Read more about our exciting Regional Session Chairs who will be hosting us over the 3 days.
The event is open to all who do not have a conflict of interest and involvement with the alcohol or tobacco industry.
Registration for the virtual event will be at no cost.
To register, please complete the Registration Form
For registration queries, please contact the registration manager: Kefiloe Masemola +27 21 938 0554 or email